Thursday, December 13, 2012

Before and Afters

Sorry to have been forgetting to blog, I have been updating the Facebook page pretty regularly. I had a great measuring at the beginning of the month with a total of 23 ½” lost from neck to calf. It has been super exciting to see my waist be most changed, with a total of 7 inches lost in the 10 weeks.  My weight is staying put, but inches are going and there are parts of me gaining definition or dimpling from the loss of fat and strengthening of muscle. I continue to be blessed to meet new people all the time through class and through my Facebook page who are so encouraging. As we are all on our own journeys it has been thrilling to hear from others that I am able to inspire them.


I have taken another set of photos, and will post them here as well. The first ones were in October (blue tank) after one month and then in November (black tank) with 2 months down. I will have to go back and look for some more photos from this summer to really compare, pre-yoga me to now.