I have so much to say about this photo. Walking with my head down, red faced and tired. We had taken a very extended 3 week vacation on the East coast and visited tons of sights and had lots of family time; but it was shadowed plenty of times with me being too hot and too tired and too well out of shape to enjoy some of it. This is not the year of 40 that I had been hoping for. I know that God has bigger plans for me and my weight and health are holding me back from reaching out and serving more, because of how I see myself most days. Don't get me wrong, I am blessed - beyond measure with a wonderful husband who loves me, and honors God in our marriage; we have 3 beautiful children. I have been able to be at home for almost 100 % of their lives and love the blessings of being their mom. I do not sit around and hate myself on a daily basis, but I am reminded everyday, by the aches, pains and emotional baggage of the weight I bare that this is not the body that God is honored by.
Then in September I contacted a friend who seemed to be doing well with her health and life.I have known Stephanie Howard for almost 7 years, we met when Addysen was only a few months old at MOPS in Selah, WA. I was intrigued when I heard she was opening a yoga studio nearly 2 years ago; I asked her about it, and continued asking her about it for over a year. We had several little back and forth about how I should come be and check it out. Then upon returning from vacation she and I began chatting a bit and this is where the healing began.....
- Hey there friend, is there a time I can come see you, kinda one on one to talk about cost and the reality of my unhealthy body - longing for strength? I would love to give yoga a try, life just seems to always be in the way. I see your strength and health and I am so proud of the woman you are, living life fully. Talk soon, - Nicole
- Miss you Nicole...I am at the studio each day and some evenings! Tuesday-Friday! What is good day for you? I miss you... seriously, I'm same person just better and stronger...and finally without pain!
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