Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A year already....

It is hard to imagine that a year has come and gone, so quickly. Seriously, where did the last 365+ days go. There has much I have gained through this experience, knowledge of how my body likes to move, likes it when I nourish it properly... on the flip side it doesn't like laying around or carb overloading. I have gained friendships and encouragers from all walks of life who share a desire to do what is best for our physical selves, through yoga and other means of moving. I have managed to maintain my initial loss of 20 pounds and hope to add to that. I have learned that I am capable of doing more than I thought. I have been blessed with a great group of yoga instructors that push me and all those in class to try the next level and push through the comfort zone to achieve more. I am so grateful to all who have walked beside me and continue to support my efforts along this journey. Special thanks to Stephanie Howard and all her staff at Yoga Hot Spot.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Nicole!
    Keep at it! What you are doing is not only a great accomplishment for yourself but you will encourage and inspire others to put in the same efforts as you have.
